Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Vermillion Part 2: I Shall Catch EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE!

So, I'm not gonna lie, I went a little nuts once I acquired Cut and I went on a little Pokemon-catching spree...

ESPECIALLY since I figured out I could use Diglett's Cave to get back to Pewter City and back to Mt. Moon!

So, here's basically the breakdown of my journey into madness and the Pokemon equivalent of cat-lady syndrome:

First came this weird fucker right here.  Found one at Lvl 22 and I said, "Oh FUCK yes, I want that!" Diglett is here to dig holes...into the chest cavities of your Electric-type Pokemon.  This dude is pretty intense for not having any visible limbs...if any, at all.

And of course, I had to head over to Mount Moon to try to reclaim my Clefairy...

But this puffy little shit kept popping up! Taught his ass a lesson, though.  Beat him within an inch of his life, paralyzed him, trapped him in a spherical prison, brainwashed him to obey me, then turned him into this monstrosity:

I must have spent an HOUR in Mt. Moon looking for a damned Clefairy.  When everything else was popping up, I figured, "If I catch ALL the Pokemon in the mountain, the only thing left would be Clefairies! Flawless logic!"

So now I have these fuckers, too:

Not sure what to do with this dumpster-fire of a Pokemon, but I know Parasect looks pretty cool, so I'll keep him around.  Also, he gets a lot of the status-powder attacks...and I think Solarbeam? I don't fucking know IT'S BEEN A FUCKING DECADE AND A HALF SINCE I PLAYED THIS!!!!!

...I don't even want to talk about my Zubat.  I think everyone who plays Pokemon has somewhere, in Bill's PC, a Lvl 8 Zubat that they are just like, "Fuck it, I don't wanna level Zubat.  I don't even need Golbat.  I wasted a Pokeball."

Ran around back to the grass around Diglett's cave (since I gave up hope on finding a Clefairy after an hour) and found this:

Drowzee, the mind-rape Pokemon.  Seriously, according to the Pokedex, they eat dreams.  And they also have dick-noses.  Shit ain't right.

Ran around to the Rock Tunnel because fuck it I could, and I was hoping to get an Onix to just completely screw over Lieutenant Surge, but no luck.  I did, however, walk away with a nice parting gift...

I love this little guy so much.  Plus, when he turns into Machoke, dude is fucking intense.  You can see the veins popping out of his arms! Shit's ridiculous!

I was about to head over to the gym when I thought, "You fucking quitter! Clefairy wouldn't have given up on you!" I felt terrible.  So I went back to Mount Moon and circled the same patch of earth for several minutes in utter despair, when finally, it happened:


Wasn't too far off from that, actually.  Killed the first one I saw by accident.  Apparently, Oddish has some sort of score to settle at Mt. Moon.  Dilligence paid off, however...

Yaaaaaaaay! I don't want to evolve him for a while, though.  It took me so long to reclaim Clefairy; to immediately evolve him would cheapen my efforts.

Satisfied, I headed to Lt. Surge with the following team.  See if you can guess which Pokemon was planned to be the target for experience bait-and-switch.

Charmeleon, Lvl 26
Diglett, Lvl 25
Geodude, Lvl 21
Pikachu, Lvl 21
Oddish, Lvl 18
Abra, Lvl 8

Pokedex: 27, Badges: 2

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