Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mount Moon: Part Un...o

I forgot how much of a bitch Mt. Moon actually is.  Fucking Zubats everywhere, ladders leading to pits and other ladders, and Team Rocket showing up to mess with your shit.  On top of all that, we get the fucking "Super Nerds" in there with their techno-Pokemon causing a ruckus.  I don't know about you, but I get really fucking paranoid when someone throws out a Voltorb.

I don't trust this shifty little cunt.  All he uses is Screech (which lowers your Defense sharply) and Self-Destruct, which means he's making damn sure he take you down with him.  Fuck you in the nut-sack, Voltorb.

I've decided, however, that Mt. Moon is too much to handle on a single go.  Run around for a bit, level some folks, fight some trainers, maybe catch what might be the most effeminate Pokemon ever created...

Don't judge me, I caught him at Level 12 and he broke two fucking Pokeballs when he was goddamned paralyzed.  This little guy is one tough cunt.  He will cut you to ribbons, son!

However, one thing occurred in those tunnels that I did not expect.  A most wonderfully happy accident: a Rare Candy was found! Gave that shit straight to Magikarp...although, now that I think about it, I probably should have saved it until he was at Level 14 so I can go straight to him getting Tackle and being able to fight on his own.  Well...shit.  There goes a perfectly-good Rare Candy.  But hey, Charmander don't need no damn Rare Candy! He's doing baller on his own.

As a matter of fact, I don't have Charmander anymore...

YEEAAAAAAAH! I got THIS nasty fuck now! You remember how much of a prick he was in the anime? Ash would be all like, "Charmeleon, use Flame-whatever!" and Charmeleon would be all like, "Make yo own fire, pussy!" and then go the fuck to sleep.  This gangster is the fuckin' boss...just not quite as boss as Big Poppa Charizard.  If my estimations are correct, he should evolve around the time I get to Lt. Surge.  Let's see that bitch-ass Squirtle kick his ass now!

Charmeleon, Lvl 17
Pidgey, Lvl 12
Beedrill, Lvl 11
Nidoran, Lvl 11
Pikachu, Lvl 11
Butterfree, Lvl 11

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