Friday, September 28, 2012

Grinding Grinding Grinding

I had to get my Pokemon up to a level where I could even remotely stand a chance against Brock, so every trainer knows to run into the grass and walk in circles until your Pokemon level.  The first one to pop their evolution cherry was my Weedle.  So now, he's the better-than-useless-wild Kakuna.

Kakuna looks stupid, so I ran back into the Viridian Forest after healing at the Pewter City Pokemon Center, but what is the first fucking thing I come across when I run into the tall grass?

Well fuck my dick! I completely forgot these sexy sons of bitches lived in the Viridian Forest! You best grab one of these motherfuckers; you control their evolution with the Thunderstone, and they're gonna be your best fucking friend when Misty brings out her fucking starfish.  Shock that bitch out of the water.

Tried to grind Kakuna again, but then THIS fucking showed up:

Damn it! I need him because I want a fucking Butterfree! All those powder attacks are really useful, but also, if you didn't cry during the episode where Ash let his Butterfree go so it could start a family with that girl Butterfree, you have a stone heart, you cold bitch.

...goddamn it, that episode was fucking sad and cute and devastating.  Don't remember it? Well, fuck you, here it is.  Prepare to bawl, bitches.

You're welcome.  Now clean yourselves up, we gotta go fight Brock.

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