Friday, September 28, 2012

Covered in Goddamn Bees

Your first run-in with trainers other than yourself is in the Viridian Forest, and EVERYONE has a fucking Weedle and the WILL poison your shit.  My first Pro-Tip of this entry:

Grab a fucking Weedle.

Yeah, asshole! I fucking got you now! You poison shit on MY command! Oh, here's the second Pro-Tip:

Do NOT waste Pokeballs trying to catch a fucking Kakuna or a Metapod.  Both are fucking awful.  All they do is Harden.  If you evolve up from a Weedle or a Caterpie, you get to keep Tackle/Poison Sting and String Shot, and then your rock-hard middle-evolution Pokemon can actually do something.

So, by then end of fucking up those pussies in the Viridian Forest, I got myself a Pidgey, a Nidoran, a Weedle, and my pimp-ass Charmander.  Not enough to take on Brock, though.  Let's work on that.

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